Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Britain warns citizens not to travel to Florida after two people from the UK contract the Zika virus while visiting


Image result for zika virus
Two British tourists have contracted the Zika virus after travelling to Florida, it emerged last night.
Pregnant women have been advised to cancel all 'non-essential' travel to the American state to avoid the risk that their babies are born with deformities.
Zika virus is transmitted by Aedes Aegypti' mosquito which causes relatively mild symptoms in adults – causing only a mild fever, joint pain and rashes. The virus can cause babies to be born with small heads.

According to Mailonline, They caught the virus while travelling to the Miami-Dade County in the southeastern part of Florida, which has areas deemed 'high risk' for Zika.
A Public Health England report, published earlier this month, revealed that a total of 229 British travellers have caught the Zika virus since January 2016, although only two have contracted it in North America.
Most of those who contracted the virus had previously visited the Caribbean or South and central America.