Monday, October 17, 2016

Meet the 54-year-old who looks like she's in her 20s and her son even gets mistaken for her BOYFRIEND

Healthy lifestyle: Ms Jay starts each day with a healthy breakfast of organic eggs and gluten free toast. Pictured, the mother-of-one with her son, Marley

Pamela Jay looks so young she is even mistaken for her 22-year-old son's girlfriend.
And the mother-of-one is happy to share her beauty secrets, revealing daily yoga, a healthy diet and a £15 tub of coconut oil are behind her youthful glow. 
Ms Jay, from Yorkshire, said: 'People often think I'm lying when they find out my age. 
'Sometimes people are so stunned I almost have to get out my ID to prove it to them.
'Sometimes even I look in the mirror and can’t believe I’m 54! 
'I'm not sure I look like I'm in my 20s - although people do say that to me - but I feel like I could pass for mid to late 30s, and that's how I feel energy-wise.
'My son and I went to view a property recently and were asked if we were a couple. When I said he was my son, the estate agent went bright red and looked really embarrassed. 
Youthful glow: Pamela Jay, 54, says she is mistaken for her 22-year-old son Marley's girlfriend. Pictured, mother and son togetherMs Jay on holiday

'He always jokes to me: "Mum either I look really old, or you look really young!"'
And Ms Jay, who works for the civil service, is happy to share her beauty secrets.
She wakes up at 6am and starts her day with a healthy breakfast of organic eggs and gluten free toast, served with black coffee mixed with a spoonful of coconut oil.